Configuration summaries
The configuration summaries provide an overview of all elements contained in a soundfont. They are accessible via the headers Samples, Instruments and Presets in the tree, and allow the visualization of their corresponding elements.
Information gathered in these pages can be used to support inspections within large soundfonts.
When clicking on the Samples header of a soundfont in the tree, the sample configuration summary appears.
![Sample configuration summary Sample configuration summary](/doc/en/images/conf_summary_sample.png)
For each sample, this page allows for example to perform the following checks:
- Is it used?
- Is its total duration (and possibly its loop duration) long enough?
- Has the tuning been done?
- Is it properly linked in stereo?
- Is the sampling rate high enough for a good audio quality?
When clicking on the Instruments header of a soundfont in the tree, the instrument configuration summary appears.
![Instrument configuration summary Instrument configuration summary](/doc/en/images/conf_summary_instrument.png)
For each instrument, this page allows for example to perform the following checks:
- Is it used?
- Are the numbers of linked samples, parameters and modulators consistent?
- Are the key and velocity ranges correct?
- Have the samples been properly attenuated?
- Is the loop playback on?
- Have the chorus and reverb settings not been forgotten?
When clicking on the Presets header of a soundfont in the tree, the preset configuration summary appears.
![Preset configuration summary Preset configuration summary](/doc/en/images/conf_summary_preset.png)
For each preset, this page allows for example to perform the following checks:
- Have the bank and preset numbers been properly filled?
- Are the numbers of linked instruments, parameters and modulators consistent?
- Are the key and velocity ranges correct?
- Have the instruments been accurately attenuated?
- Have the chorus and reverb settings (as offset) not been forgotten?
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