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[SUCCESS] Polyphone Fedora / RPM Linux build

  • TO 6 0
    Message from Thomas Oettli on 1
    There are some hints in the README from the Polyphone 1.7 source code distribution for building Polyphon on other Linux distributions. 
    I just went through a build on Fedora 24 and took the opportunity to create a step-by-step how-to which might be useful for others to save time.
    (broken link)
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on 1
    Thanks a lot! I was thinking of the best way of keeping documents: a google doc that you can edit but possibly delete or a page in the documentation of this website that you cannot edit but that will stay. So I added this page, and if a modification is needed I can still do it later.
  • TO 6 0
    Message from Thomas Oettli on
    thanks again! Yes, thats the best approach to ensure consistency. Google doc is just fine for providing input.
    Bon soir, Thomas
  • An 1 0
    Message from Anton on
    I want to make RPM package of Polyfone for ROSA Linux. I have some questions:
    1. What license is it?
    2. Can source be packed inside folder with format polyphone-<major>.<minor>.<build> instead of trunk? Also there are some number prefix in download link. Can it be renamed in the same format as forlder? It very simplify my work.
    3. What icon need I to use for desktop shortcut?
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on
    Hello here is a new folder in the sources of Polyphone on github:
    (broken link)

    Every time a new version is out I will update this folder.
    The name is polyphone-<major>.<minor>
    The build number will be yours to chose according to your package version.

    The license is GNU GPL version 3 and the icon can be found here: 
  • BV 3 0
    Message from Bruno Vernay on
    I just rebuild the 1.9 for Fedora 27 and so far, it seems to work fine.

    I used the excellent work from Yann COLLETTE: ( for the RPM, just modified a few things. (and I had to chmod + x the exec after installing the builded RPM, I don understand why it did not had the right perm?)

    The GitHub repo is very strange by the way, with the "trunk" folder (old SVN ?), no tags for the versions, and the zip in the sources instead of a releases section. Also the zip have "trunk" as the root folder, instead of the project name "polyphone-1.9-src" which is kind of problematic for rpmbuild.
    Also in the deployment, why not add directly the RPM specs? like for Debian, Windows and Mac?? (Anyone would then contribute to your RPM spec.)

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