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Make sample behave the same no matter pedal on/off

  • BA 38 0
    Message from batata004 on

    I have a Warm Pad sample and I am trying to achieve this: when I press a key on keyboard the sound must last as long as I am holding the key down but as soon as I release the key, the sound should enter in the release phase (no matter if the sustain pedal is pressed).

    Currently, if the sustain pedal is pressed and I release a key, the sound will last forever until I remove my foot of the pedal and only then the release phase will start.

    You could say: well, just dont use the sustain pedal! However I need it because I layer the Warm Pad with other sound (Piano) and I need to be able to control the sustain on/off the pedal to affect the piano sound but I dont want it to affect the Warm Pad sound.

    Is this feature already implemented in the software? I appreciate any help into this
  • BO 293 14
    Message from bottrop on 1
    yes, this feature is already implemented in the software, but only for Senior Members. after a few years of good behaviour you will be automatically invited to upgrade (free)
    regards bottrop
  • BA 38 0
    Message from batata004 on
    So I hope I am having a good behaviour to be invited in the years to come to install the upgrade
  • ZI 190 0
    That is: Asking the same question in different ways does not affect the answer.
  • BA 38 0
    Message from batata004 on
    Sorry but I think you are making a big confusion. I never ever asked a question like this before.
  • ZI 190 0
    Message from ziyametedemircan on 1
    Yes, you are right.
    You didn't ask the same question. But the answer was given in the question you asked earlier.…-sample?start=6#2288

    And the answer to that question will be almost the same as the answer to this question. (I'm not trying to bring you down)

    As I mentioned in the previous message: As long as the sustain pedal is pressed, any key pressed during this period will not enter the release (note-off) phase.

    Somehow, you have to adjust your piano touch style and pedal usage according to the pad delay.

    I remembered an old experience: The old D-50 had a preset like "Piano+Pad" and it took some practice and getting used to it. There were even 4 sliders and you could decrease or increase the 4 layers combined with them, but I couldn't do that as I realized that I needed a third hand to do this while I had both hands on the keyboard.

    I don't know if this can be controlled in some way or if a solution can be created with another approach.
    I'll do some trial work for you today and tomorrow. I'll include a notification of success or failure here.
  • BA 38 0
    Message from batata004 on
    Now I understood what you meant! Thank you so much, so it looks like there is nothing that I can do to solve this.

    I also appreciate your 2 last paragraphs, because I am really struggling with PIANO + PAD. So far, the best alternative I got is this: FROM key 0 to 60 I make the piano and the pad active everytime, FROM key 61 to 127 I make the piano sound active everytime but the pad sound active only when velocity is 90 or above. This way I can only activate the pad on the right hand when I press the key hard... I improved A LOT the usage of pad, it now sounds much better, but it still is not perfect...

    That's why I would like to set a "timeout" for the pad when the sustain pedal is pressed, for example: the pad sound will only play for 3 seconds, never more... and if the pedal is not pressed, the sound (of course) will stop playing as soon as possible.

    Do you have any experience or suggestion into this?
  • ZI 190 0
    Message from ziyametedemircan on 1
    batata004 on -
    Now I understood what you meant! Thank you so much, so it looks like there is nothing that I can do to solve this.

    I also appreciate your 2 last paragraphs, because I am really struggling with PIANO + PAD. So far, the best alternative I got is this: FROM key 0 to 60 I make the piano and the pad active everytime, FROM key 61 to 127 I make the piano sound active everytime but the pad sound active only when velocity is 90 or above. This way I can only activate the pad on the right hand when I press the key hard... I improved A LOT the usage of pad, it now sounds much better, but it still is not perfect...

    That's why I would like to set a "timeout" for the pad when the sustain pedal is pressed, for example: the pad sound will only play for 3 seconds, never more... and if the pedal is not pressed, the sound (of course) will stop playing as soon as possible.

    Do you have any experience or suggestion into this?
    After many unsuccessful attempts yesterday and today, I reached almost the same result as you wrote above and made a soundfont patch accordingly: When you don't press the sustain pedal, everything works normally. But if you press the sustain pedal, the pad sound only lasts a few seconds. // by controlling the sustain volume (dB) with the modulator

    PS: I used relative parameters in the Preset Section (as they should), so don't be surprised.
  • BA 38 0
    Message from batata004 on
    My friend, I tried for many times understanding what the modulator is doing and I couldnt. Any value that I type in the "x - 960" field, makes everything the same. I cant understand what it's doing... Even removing the modulator keeps everything working... Some magic is happening here because even removing the modulator keeps everything working as I requested in the #1.
  • BO 293 14
    Message from bottrop on
    if your keyboard does not distinguish between two instruments it is only possible by preparong the pad samples for the whole range. how many samples for that pad do you have?
    can you write a score for the piano and pad as seperate instruments that makes clear what you want to achieve? or record a phrase with the desired effect?
  • ZI 190 0
    batata004 on -
    My friend, I tried for many times understanding what the modulator is doing and I couldnt. Any value that I type in the "x - 960" field, makes everything the same. I cant understand what it's doing... Even removing the modulator keeps everything working... Some magic is happening here because even removing the modulator keeps everything working as I requested in the #1.
    It's an inverse operator, It doesn't give the same result in every software.
    I tried it in old Fluid soundfont synthesizer, but it may have no effect on BASS and others.
    As I said before, using CC64 as a source is not in accordance with the specification.
    If you get the result you want when you delete the Modulator, use it that way.

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