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How to calculate the Second on the decay of sample

  • 6 0
    Message from MIDAPMI on
    The problem is the next...

    I work with audacity and with the polyphone i find the loop Fine!!
    After the problem is presented when making the decay.
    I set the decay to 4.4 Sec (4400 ms) in the awave studio shows very less the duration, dependly of sustain volume
    ¿What is the formule how to calculate the range approximatle of desired value?

    Polyphone is the best software for me! and free software Like
  • ZI 182 0
    Message from ziyametedemircan on 1
    I don't know exactly how it is calculated.
    But: While working for drums, I invented the multiplication formula with six
    If I want 2 seconds, I multiply by six and write 12.
    I think that in other cases (depending on the parameters used) this multiplication can change. (2,3,4,5,...,10)
    All right, after I did some digging on the internet, I found this paragraph:

    "SoundFonts use unusual envelope timings. The Sustain parameter has an effect on the Decay time (the absolute amount of time it takes to get from 100% amplitude to the Sustain level) and the Release time (the absolute amount of time it takes to get from the Sustain level to zero amplitude). For example, if the Sustain parameter is 50%, then it will take 50% of the time stipulated by both the Decay and Release. If the Sustain parameter is 70%, then it will take 30% of the time stipulated by the Decay, and 70 % of the Release time."

  • 6 0
    Message from MIDAPMI on
    For get a real you need calculate the values with decay attenuation values

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