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SF2 relation with MID file from Drum Roland

Catégorie : Aide
  • Do 1 0
    Message de Dom le
    Hi, i am a new user of Polyphone and its very hard for me for build a SF2 from an existing other file. All instruments already exists inside a SF2 file but how copy this instruments in my own font ? and the most important : how etablish the relation with an instrument of my kit ? example : Roland Drum Snare with a note = 38 and number = 40 where are this numbers of MIDI ? i use VLC for listen the MID file and its OK for a file SF2 from website and my own file MID from my Roland Drum.
    Many thanks by advance for your help !
  • 15 0
    Message de siebenhirter le 1
    to see what is the relation with an instrument of your DrumKit, open your DrumKit-sf2-file, where as Instrument or Preset you can see the names of DrumKits (like Standard, Brush, CM64, Dance, Power, Room etc).

    Select a DrumKit to see what Samples are used as Drum-Instruments assigned to a KeyRange.

    If a sample named Kick-Drum for example is assigned to KeyRange 35, that simple means a Midi-Note-Event with Note Number 35 will trigger that sample assigned to KeyRange 35.

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