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Polyphone soundfonts not working in virtual synth

  • ER 16 0
    Message from eric rollnick on
    SF2 soundfont I created in Polyphone work in my sforzando vst but will not work in coolsoft virtual synth. Other soundfonts that I have in the virtual synth do work, so I do not think it is a configuration problem in the virtual synth. I tried adding it to the virtual synth from the sforzando folder which loaded the instrument name as the soundfont and I also tried exporting the preset from Polyphone to my desk top then loading that into the virtual synth. Neither method worked. I am missing something obviously. Any ideas?
  • BO 293 14
    Message from bottrop on
    sounds like there is something wrong with SF2 architecture.
    sforzando is a real shit synth by the way, it corrupts SF2s.
    maybe you can post your soundfont (or part of it) and i try it in my VirtualMidiSynth.
    regards bottrop
  • ER 16 0
    Message from eric rollnick on
    Here is a link to the soundfont:…EZi/view?usp=sharing 
    I agree sforzando can be wonky. That is why I would like to use my soundfont in my coolsoft virtual synth.
  • BO 293 14
    Message from bottrop on…phd/view?usp=sharing 

    the only error i can find is Pan = zero
    it works fine in my VirtualMidiSynth when those settings are deleted.

    for every soundfont you create in the future, first;
    set Vol env Attack to 00,2 or 00,3 milliseconds
    set Vol env Release to 1 second (adjust later to your taste)

    saves you a lot of noise

    regards bottrop
  • ER 16 0
    Message from eric rollnick on
    So the Pan=Zero setting is in Polyphone? The samples are mono. So the pan settings for each note in the preset table should be left blank? OR are you talking about some editable parameter in virtual synth? Thanks for the help.
  • BO 293 14
    Message from bottrop on 1
    the Pan settings can be seen in the Instrument view in Polyphone and should be left blank
    if you open the SF2 from above post and your own SF2 in Polyphone you will see the difference in the Instrument view
    Pan settings are nonsense. by the way, since musical instruments that produce seperate sounds for the left and the right ear dont exist


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