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Does SF3 format has better performance?

Category: Help
  • BA 38 0
    Message from batata004 on

    These days I came to know the SF3 format and that it is usually 8x smaller in size when compairing to SF2. The reason is clear: it uses audio in compressed format. So I was wondering: does using SF3 with FluidSynth provides better performance (less latency) or less RAM usage when compared to using SF2 format? Has anyone of you noticed this?
  • BO 292 13
    Message from bottrop on 1
    no. the soundquality is like instant coffee and to play the sound the compressed file must be unpacked and like for yourself, unpacking is very tiring for a computer too.
    regards bottrop
  • BA 38 0
    Message from batata004 on
    Thanks a lot for your explanation, have a nice week my friend.

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