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Set root key on keyboard widget

  • BC 5 0
    Message from Ben Crossman on
    Would be great if you could set the root key for a sample by right clicking on the keyboard or something.
    This is how it's done in DirectWave.

    Without this you have to type the number in or name your wav file correctly.

  • BO 284 13
    Message from bottrop on
    in the Sample View, select a sample, click the recycle icon at Root Key at the bottom left
    next sample idem
    regards bottrop
  • BC 5 0
    Message from Ben Crossman on
    Maybe I'm blind but I can't see a recycle icon in the bottom left

  • Message from Ben Crossman on
    ah found it in version 2.0.
    In later versions it's a leftward pointing arrow. Anyway it doesn't change root key to a selected note. It changes it to the detected frequency. This is not what I want. The root note isn't always the frequency of the sample. I often assign all sorts of samples to the bottom A.
  • BO 284 13
    Message from bottrop on
    "I often assign all sorts of samples to the bottom A." sounds a bit like nonsense to me
    can you post one of your sf2's to illustrate this?
    regards bottrop
  • BC 5 0
    Message from Ben Crossman on,which%20uses%20the%20GM%20standard.
  • BO 284 13
    Message from bottrop on
    are you talking about a percussion Preset?
    in that case (in Instrument view, in the Global column)
    set Tuning(Scale) to zero and you can assign each sample the the desired note keeping its own pitch

  • BC 5 0
    Message from Ben Crossman on
    Yep, what you suggest works.

    Was just hoping for a more graphical way.
    All good. I hacked up something myself that works for my purposes [attached]

    Great program by the way. I've been developing a VST plugin myself that plays a library of 128 SF2 files changed with midi program changes.

    Polyphone is a great way to author SF2 files and I like they are an industry standard format.

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