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polyphone distorts high frequency sample

  • EN 3 0
    I am new to polyphone.
    I am trying to import a wavefile with a pure sine wave of 1760 Hz.
    In polyphone, it is distorted to an almost rectangular waveform.
    This does not happen at lower frequencies.
    What am I doing wrong, and/or how can I solve the problem?

    MP3 files with the pure and the imported samples are enclosed
  • Meanwhile, I know a little bit more.
    I also tried to load the WAV sample into the Viena soundfont editor in Windows, and it complained that the WAV files were of a wrong type,
    not PCM and not IEEEFLOAT (or similar).
    So I created new WAV files which I could import into Viena.
    These, I also could import into polyphone, and they worked better, but there still are some acoustic artefacts.
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    ALWAYS use .WAV files in a soundfont and NEVER use .mp3 and NEVERNEVER convert .mp3 to .WAV. .mp3 is only good for a final production, just for playing.
    in a photo editor edit and save a .JPG image a few times, then you can see what happens to compressed files. the same happens in compressed sound files.
    regards bottrop
  • EN 3 0
    I used WAV fonts,. My samples are only recordings of what it sounded like.

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