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bulk rename

  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    after using the bulk rename utility all loopsettings are wiped.
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le

    Could you please be more specific?
    Are you speaking about the loop settings in the samples themselves or in the instrument table?

  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    hi Davy, i always set the loops in my soundeditor (Sony Soundforge) and import the samples in Creative Vienna or Polyphone. these loopsettings are always accepted and work fine, but when i use the bulkrename, all settings are wiped out (the loopbeginning is set to zero and the loopend somewhere in the tail of the sample).
    i am in Windows7.

    another topic:
    i looked for how to set loops in Polyphone, but i cannot find any zoomfacility in the sampleview to match begin and end precisely. Soundforge is easier of course, but sometimes it could be handy to make a change inside Polyphone.
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    Thank you for these details I'll check this.

    You can use the right click to zoom: click the right button somewhere in the graph, keep the button on and move the mouse to the right. A zoom will be applied around the initial point.
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    hi Davy, i had the same problem a few times more after using Bulk Rename and Automatic Distribution in soundfonts that were not created in Polyphone, Saving the soundfont before using these utilities helps, but not Always (i think Polyphone does not perform a Save when no changes are made).
    but it also happens in a newly set up soundfont in Polyphone, before a first Save is made.
    i start New; give a name; create a new Instrument; create a new Preset; then import looped samples (i always use New Samples in the Tree-window, i can see in the Sample-window that the loopsettings are accepted); assign Root Keys and when i use Automatic Distribution all loops are gone.
    when first i Save the soundfont and then use Automatic Distribution the loopsettings remain.
    regards, bottrop
  • Message de bottrop le
    (link broken)
    here is a small soundfont for you to check
    you can see the loopsettings at Samplestage
    select all samples
    Tools>Instrument>Trim to loopend
    and on my computer(Windows7) all loopsettings are gone.
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    Sorry for my late on this bug. I tried different configuration, but I couldn't reproduce the bug. The tool "trim to loopend" only process one sample, the others remain untouched. I'm using Windows 10 but I don't know why it should be different!
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    yes, if you select only 1 sample and Trim to loopend there is no problem, the issue is; using multiple selection (AKA Bulk), both with Trim to loopend and Rename!
  • ZI 190 0
    Not confirmed.
    Win7, Polyphone 1.9
    Tools => Sample => Trim to loop end => (All samples)
    Right Click => Bulk Rename => (All Samples)
    Result: All loop points preserved.
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    (link broken)
    so this happens only to me and my system?
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    This seems normal to me. If you selected "trim to loop end", it means that the part after the loop end for the selected samples will be removed. In many cases, this tool makes the file lighter without impairing the quality of the soundfont (the part after the loop end is often never read).
    Also, this tool can apply automatically during the wav import if you check the corresponding option here:…settings#doc_general
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    i create soundfonts for more than 20 years, so i know what Trim to loopend means. cant you see that all the loopsettings are gone? the green and red lines that indicated the loop before trimming? the samples which you see in the video DONT LOOP ANYMORE after Trim to loopend. loopsettings are gone.
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    I didn't mean to be disrespectful but it's better to make sure! So indeed there is a problem I'll try to know why. Do you have the setting "stereo editing" on? (…settings#doc_general)
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    stereo is off. i never work with stereo. stereo is nonsense.

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