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square wave soundfont

All the main instruments are square wave.

All the notes of the percussion instrument are white noise played up to 1÷8 of a second.

The fade is a generic undescribed fade, so it will be handled by the audio rendering engine.

Currently there is an equal temperament version (using the default tuning), a well temperament version (using well temperament) and a quarter comma meantone version.

Anti-aliasing routines are NOT included in this soundfont, so the audio may be aliased in some devices, audio rendering engines or their settings.

SOUNDFONT-equaltemperament.sf2 warning: the file size is 19.556640625 kilobytes, so some buggy programs might return a file size too small error.

SOUNDFONT-welltemperament.sf2 and SOUNDFONT-meantone.sf2 warning: the file size of both files is 26.912109375 kilobytes, so some buggy programs might return a file size too small error.


Shared by Piotr Grochowski
Update date
License public domain


SOUNDFONT-equaltemperament.sf2 (, 20.03 kB)
SOUNDFONT-welltemperament.sf2 (, 27.56 kB)
SOUNDFONT-meantone.sf2 (, 27.56 kB)


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