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SuperSponge Soundfont (PS1)

The game is fun occasionally, but it's got some great music.

If you DO use this soundfont, PLEASE drop me a line at  via PM or leave a comment here, linking me to whatever you make with it, I want to see what kind of shenanigans people get up to using this tool created for the good of man.

Special Thanks to saladplainzone for linking me to the Development Archive, and for the .XM files associated with it. I got all of these samples from those files, painstakingly extracted and arranged and re-arranged until getting the final product you have before you.

You can listen to some demonstrations of this soundfont in action here: 

Update: Big thanks to stupidface for identifying the chords used in the Ga-n, Acou-n, and other such frustrating samples.

Woah dude, exactly one year after I compiled the sixth and final set of samples, I'm posting what may be the final update to the base soundfont. No clue if I'll ever get around to that supposed "fixed loop" version, but y'know.

Update #3: In addition to their symbols, all chord-based samples have now also had their root notes changed, so they should all be the proper notes.

Update #4: Chord names for the "Acou-1/2/3/5/7" electric guitar patches have been updated.


Shared by tahutoa
Update date
License give credit
Sample source


SpongeBob SuperSponge.sf2 (, 2.29 MB)

The instruments Flute-1 through Flute-7 (not counting regular "Flute") were unused in the original game. They went on to be replaced by the more concise (and more pleasant sounding) "Flute" patch.

Oh (Multi-Preset).sf2 (, 689.24 kB)

This soundfont is for switching between chord-based patches if editing Events for Bank isn't available.


  • Comment from tahutoa on
    Note: some of the instruments have shitty looping. This is because I decided to leave all .wavs' looping untouched (no matter how terrible). Eventually, I will legitimately revisit this and fix the looping, then upload that separately, but until then...
  • Comment from Davy on
    Thank you for this upload
    If you improve the soundfont you should replace the existing file that you uploaded here. This page will be flagged as "Updated" instead of "New" (you will have more visibility), you will keep the rating and this will avoid duplicates.
  • Comment from tahutoa on
    Okay. I was going to do that anyway, but the changes I would make I think would necessitate adding a second file, but only because I wanted the initial version to be as close to the original as possible, I hope you understand
    Looking forward to testing out the 2.0 beta over Christmas break, I hope to see lots of cool new features, even if they aren't completely finished yet. I'll try to help with bug reports as well ;-o
  • JM
    Comment from Ji Min-Lee on
    There was a Pitch Decorrection, I've fixed the Pitch for it.
  • Comment from tahutoa on
    Well, "fix" in the sense that some of these sounds had flawed looping within the actual game's files, either through an error on 4matt's part or otherwise. Nonetheless, an alternate version will eventually be added.
  • Comment from Lexi B on
    Why leave it untouched?
  • Comment from tahutoa on
    If you're talking about why I left it as it was, back then, it was a misguided attempt at preserving the integrity. After all, the game sounded good with those loop points, rite??? Never mind that the sounds were being operated on a different system, which could potentially mask any popping. Sounds that popped likely didn't even reach their loop point in the songs they were used for. 4matt had extensive knowledge of the sounds he was working with, at the time, I'm sure.

    I did end up going back on it, though. The latest update was in 2021, but the last time I edited the file on my end was in 2022 (when I changed the loop points for Orgflow).
    I had left the cardinal sin of a blank Release value for all patches in place, so evidence of that old purism remains as of now.
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