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default sample rate

  • Sj 3 0
    Message from Sjoerdw on
    Maybe discussed before, but where can I change the default sample rate? I'm asking because all my other audio gear is set to 44.100 kHz and when I start Polyphone they "complain" about the change of sample rate to 48.000 kHz. So I want to change the rate in Polyphone to 44.100 kHz. Is this possible? Thanks in advance!
  • BO 293 14
    Message from bottrop on
    sample rate can be changed in a wave editor, so export the samples, process and import them in Polyphone, if you dont change the name they will overwrite the old samples.
    check the loops.
    regards bottrop
  • Sj 3 0
    Message from Sjoerdw on
    My imported samples all have the sample rate 44.100, but as soon as I start Polyphone I notice that the sample rate of my computer system is immediately changed to 48.000. So I think Polyphone does change the system sample rate to 48.000 when starting up.
  • BO 293 14
    Message from bottrop on
    i see no changes in my system (windows10) or any other soundapp, so i think this might be an issue for the developer.
    regards b

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