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How to apply Low pass filter based on fader

  • BA 38 0
    Message from batata004 on

    When I move my pitch bend wheel of the vibrato wheel it affect the sound that is being played. I am wondering if I can do a similar thing but with Low pass filter? Can I use a knob or fader in my keyboard to contorl the LOW PASS FILTER of an instrument? Maybe using a modulator I can achieve this? If so, could you please give me an example?

    Thanks a lot! You guys are awesome providing this app and support for it!
  • CS 73 0
    Message from csw900 on
    If you are using fluidsynth you can use an NRPN to adjust the filter cutoff -
    fluid_synth_cc(synth, i, 0x63, 120); //NRPN MSB sf2
    fluid_synth_cc(synth, i, 0x62, 8); //NRPN LSB Select Filter cutoff
    fluid_synth_cc(synth, i, 0x26, nrpndata & 0x7f); //NRPN DATA LSB cents
    fluid_synth_cc(synth, i, 0x06, (nrpndata >> 7) & 0x7f); //NRPN DATA MSB

    Dont ask me how it works but that is what I used in eplayOrgan. You may be able to use the CC directly.


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