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soft attack on notes

  • ER 15 0
    Message from eric rollnick on
    I have created wave files from my bass steel drums to make a sound font with. These instruments are played with a soft mallet and are very resonant. I created a soundfont but when I play the notes on the keyboard they sound like cheezy midi notes
    ( which is what I am trying to get away from) I believe it is the attack when you play a key you do not get that soft attack of the original samples.l am not sure if there is a parameter that might help or if I should leave a short silence before the sample to create the soft attack. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  • BO 276 13
    Message from bottrop on 1
    try Volume Env Attack - 0,88 seconds or more, try, it will cost you no extra's.
  • ZI 188 0
    Message from ziyametedemircan on 1
    If the samples are not playing as you recorded, it may be because they were placed incorrectly. For example, the root notes may be wrong. Maybe the samples sound one octave higher than they should be. In this case, the attack will be very short.
  • CS 73 0
    Message from csw900 on
    When you view the waveforms in polyohone you will be able to see the REAL attack at the start of the wave. You will also be able to listen to the sample. If it is not right at this point then you may need to think about your recording method rather than trying to use polyphone to "improve" what is not right at the beginning. Perhaps if you attached one of your samples here then you would get a true independent opinion.

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