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Polyphone as an Instrument ?

  • KR 14 0
    Is anyone using Polyphone 'directly' as an instrument ?
    ( since not all modulaters etc are interpreted correctly or at all in other sf players )


  • CS 73 0
    Message from csw900 on 1
    I assume you mean "Is anyone using Polyphone as a synth"?

    I have no idea, they can use it for whatever they want to - however they would be well advised to use sound fonts correctly.

    In my opinion Fluidsynth is the standard by which other synths should be judged and as far as I can tell it uses modulators in accordance with the sf2 standard.

  • KR 14 0
    I'm on a Mac... OSX 10.10.5...
    Fluidsynth has no Mac installer, or am I wrong ?

  • CS 73 0
    Message from csw900 on 1
    If there is no binary executable available for your mac you will have to compile it from the source. I have done this myself on occasion but it is not a trivial process even for an experienced programmer.
  • BO 293 14
    Message from bottrop on 1
    i use the Coolsoft Virtual Midi Synth, it plays soundfonts as good as my Soundblaster Audigy.
    dont know if there is a Mac version, but Google will help you find out.
  • KR 14 0
    ...not for Mac...
  • CS 73 0
    Message from csw900 on
    You could try dmidiplayer (drumstick midi player) on Sourceforge.
    It uses fluidsynth and there is a mac version (.dmg) I have just installed the windows version and it seems OK to me.
  • KR 14 0
    Thanks, but no version works with OSX 10.10.5

  • CS 73 0
    Message from csw900 on
    Sorry I thought you had said your OS was 10.15 which is Catalina.
    Your mac must be really ancient - I doubt if you will find any support at all for your version of OSX.
    I think you need to update your OS or get a newer PC.
    My personal experience with macs indicates that they are the worst possible choice for working with audio.

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