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hi-pitched click sounds

  • FN 12 0
    Message from full name on
    hi, any help?

    i made this harp preset, wav samples are clean but some of the notes of the preset sound-out with a hi-pitched click

    i followed the tutorial on this site, did i miss something?

    i tried to add soundfont but "Attachment file size exceed limit allowed by configuration"
  • BO 293 14
    Message from bottrop on
    did you assign 1 second to the Release to Volume envelope?

    try to attach an excerpt of your soundfont containing one or two of the problem samples.

    regards bottrop
  • FN 12 0
    Message from full name on
    hey man

    the value i assigned to VOL ENV RELEEASE (s) = 0.750 (s)

    i saw this value in the tutorial page, i will try 1 second

    here is the sound in the attached file

    also i screenshot the global settings

    EDIT: i tried moving the value to 1 second, the problem still persists
  • BO 293 14
    Message from bottrop on 1
    the sample is OK, your setting too
    i hear no click

    try the attachment
  • FN 12 0
    Message from full name on
    that's really weird, do you think it's my sound card or? i still get them

    to be completely clear i

    hear them within polyphone,

    when i sequence a melody with the sf2 in the daw

    and when i export this to audio and then load the audio to any sound editor as well

    loading your .sf2 i hear them maybe even more prominently but i can't gauge that (velocity of clicks, they seem maybe louder)...

    i tried capturing my audio output, can you hear the glitchy sound here?

    maybe i need to reinstall the program, polyphone, i have no idea tbh, what do you think it may be?
  • BO 293 14
    Message from bottrop on
    i think it is your card. can your DAW work with Coolsoft MidiSynth? that is what i am playing sf2's with on this computer.

    edit mp3 in .zip attachment
  • FN 12 0
    Message from full name on
    bottrop on -
    i think it is your card. can your DAW work with Coolsoft MidiSynth? that is what i am playing sf2's with on this computer.

    edit mp3 in .zip attachment
    hm that sucks

    why do u mention this software?

    i generally just load a .sf2 into DAW's default soundfont player
  • CS 73 0
    Message from csw900 on
    I hear clicks in the left channel of the samples.

    If the samples have clicks then the sound font will automatically have the clicks too.

    How were these samples made?

  • FN 12 0
    Message from full name on
    csw900 on -
    I hear clicks in the left channel of the samples.

    If the samples have clicks then the sound font will automatically have the clicks too.

    How were these samples made?

    well this is confusing...

    .wav samples definitely have no clicks to them, i can send u the samples themselves if you don't trust me... i downloaded the samples i don't really know how they were made t o be fair
  • CS 73 0
    Message from csw900 on
    Looking at the first above .wav file in an audio editor: the left channel has clicks and they are visible on the waveform. The right channel is clean.

    It is unusual for one channel of a stereo wave to have clicks which are not also in the right channel. I suspect you have done something to the left channel (such as making/removing loops etc.) which you did not do to the other channel.

    If you attach the ORIGINAL samples (before they were added to polyphone I will have a look at them and make a comment.

  • BO 293 14
    Message from bottrop on
    can you point out in the attachment .png where in the waveform you hear / see clicks?
  • FN 12 0
    Message from full name on
    csw900 on -
    Looking at the first above .wav file in an audio editor: the left channel has clicks and they are visible on the waveform. The right channel is clean.

    It is unusual for one channel of a stereo wave to have clicks which are not also in the right channel. I suspect you have done something to the left channel (such as making/removing loops etc.) which you did not do to the other channel.

    If you attach the ORIGINAL samples (before they were added to polyphone I will have a look at them and make a comment.

    i'm not sure you read the original post?

    i know soundfont sounds-out glitchy, i do notice the clicks?

    the whole point of the topic is to ask this community about what may be causing the issue, I.E. i don't particularly need to hear from you on the topic of original .wav samples

    one thing that u mentioned that does intrigue me is loop setting, i accidentally put a marker one one of the samples, i then removed the sample from the instrument, added it again, without any markers,

    seeing this is a harp preset i don't really need the loop function at all, maybe i forgot to input something into global settings regarding that?

    still i attached the few of the samples here, for your "benefit" or inspection (i doubt you will uncover any artifacts here but ofc if you do let us know)

    also would like to hear more about looping part of sf construction, from the tutorial it seemed like i didn't skip anything but this could easily be wrong

    all best

    PS if you have any idea why did the other user mention that software please tell me hah

    PPS i tried attaching a .zip of 3 then 2 then 1 .wav sample(s) here several times now, each time i get an error "Attachment file size exceed limit allowed by configuration"

    im sorry to have to post it online elsewhere, but here is the link

    mediafire dot com/file/hy24lax79xjh7lr/ (just insert "." over " dot " ofc, just in case there is also an anti-outside link policy here *eye-roll*
  • ZI 190 0
    Message from ziyametedemircan on 1
    One of these samples "D 400" has a defect in the left channel ("D 400L"). Between 1070 and 1073.

    I've seen such problematic samples in a collection on web archive org
    At least there is no problem on the right channel.
    If you want to use it, you can set the "sample start offset" parameter to 1100 (or use only the left channel).
  • BO 293 14
    Message from bottrop on
    there can be two reasons for me to mention Coolsoft VirtualMidiSynth;
    1. they pay me 1000 euro's per download.
    2. it is very good and easy to use soundfont player.
    pick the one you like best.
    after that listen to;…4G-/view?usp=sharing 
    and tell me if you hear clicks in that .mp3/
  • FN 12 0
    Message from full name on
    ziyametedemircan on -
    One of these samples "D 400" has a defect in the left channel ("D 400L"). Between 1070 and 1073.

    I've seen such problematic samples in a collection on web archive org
    At least there is no problem on the right channel.
    If you want to use it, you can set the "sample start offset" parameter to 1100 (or use only the left channel).
    wow im well surprised tbh!

    i load these for my own collection, into an editor, find the key etc, i listen to every one of the samples i keep, they sounded good?

    is that some slight clipping? what is that?

    i never audibly noticed them in an editor?

    i will tell you not every key seemed to produce the click-glitch when i was trying the keyboard

    is there any way to detect these without zooming / looking for it? within polyphone i mean
  • Message from full name on
    bottropthere can be two reasons for me to mention Coolsoft VirtualMidiSynth;
    1. they pay me 1000 euro's per download.
    2. it is very good and easy to use soundfont player.
    pick the one you like best

    ...well that was awkward

    so it's a soundfont player? ok, that was part of my question yes

    can i add it as vst? if so probably... (u asked if my daw can "host"/run it)

    bottropafter that listen to;
    and tell me if you hear clicks in that .mp3/

    this is great not just lack of the glitch/artefact but harp is great

    what sf is it?

    btw why do you ask about click in regard to that .mp3?
  • BO 293 14
    Message from bottrop on
    the mp3 is a recording of the samples you posted, sitting in a .sf2 made in Polyphone, played in Windows10, on the Polyphone Floating Keyboard, through Coolsoft MidiSynth.

    for the synth, ask Google to take you there, there is plenty information on that site.
  • CS 73 0
    Message from csw900 on
    I think your original post #1 may have been deleted and I did not read it.

    I tried to use your link but it contains so much garbage, some of which covers the reference to your file, that I gave up trying to download it. But thanks for trying!

    However it seems that others have found glitches in your samples so that is the source of your problem. Harp samples do not need a loop. You need to critically listen to your samples before using them. You do not need every note to make a sound font. Just two samples per octave can suffice.

  • BO 293 14
    Message from bottrop on
    i cant hear or see a click in that sample at 1170

    regards bottrop
  • FN 12 0
    Message from full name on
    csw900 on -
    I think your original post #1 may have been deleted and I did not read it.

    I tried to use your link but it contains so much garbage, some of which covers the reference to your file, that I gave up trying to download it. But thanks for trying!

    However it seems that others have found glitches in your samples so that is the source of your problem. Harp samples do not need a loop. You need to critically listen to your samples before using them. You do not need every note to make a sound font. Just two samples per octave can suffice.

    wow, you're genuinely crazy or just lying lol, either way im not addressing you again

    but yea the other user did point me to that imperfection so i guess i know what to do

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