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Virtual Keyboard doesn't pop up before saving sf2

  • AK 7 0
    Message from Aaditya Kumar on 1
    Hello! Before you say "You have to select a instrument or a preset", I have selected that but it still does not work. 1 thing I have noticed to make it work is to save the soundfont, and restart Polyphone. And also, after saving the soundfont and restarting Polyphone, even without selecting a instrument or a preset, the virtual keyboard DOES pop up. (There will be no sounds though because of not selecting a preset/instrument/sample)
    This bug is annoying since, for example if you want to test your soundfont first without saving it and restarting Polyphone, it won't pop up or work.
  • ZI 190 0
    Yes, this is disturbing.
    The workaround is to open another soundfont.
    If you open the piano keyboard in the tab of this soundfont, it works in the other one as well.
  • CS 73 0
    Message from csw900 on
    I have recently discovered that you can use an external midi keyboard. Connect it with a midi to usb adaptor cable, You need to include the keyboard as a midi input in the "settings".

    Polyphone receives midi on all midi channels which can be an advantage or disadvantage it would be better to have an option of selecting only one channel.

    The built in virtual keyboard allows only one note to be played at a time - sufficient for most purposes but an external midi keyboard allows chords or even tunes to be played with both hands. This feature can be used in association with an audio recorder or oscilloscope display to check for audio clipping and to set up attenuation levels in the sound font.

    This midi input can also be set up to receive midi from a midi player.

  • AK 7 0
    Message from Aaditya Kumar on
    csw900 I think you misunderstood me. I am talking about something else
  • Message from Aaditya Kumar on
    ziyametedemircan Good alternative.
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on
    Oh a stupid bug. Fixed in the next version to come

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