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Can't download any installer

  • JR 2 0
    Message from John Raines on
    Greetings! I am fairly new to MIDI and sound synthesis but not new to music.

    I am trying to download Polyphone, but no matter which installer I select, the page refreshes and no download ensues. I have the same problem with Chrome, Opera, and Edge browsers. Are the files offline?
  • 1 0
    Message from Josh Stewart on
    It seems as you aren't the only one - I too am having trouble downloading these installers. Except I get an error message that says the the files do not exist. What I'm assuming - And don't trust me on this, I'm just a new member - is that the server is down.
  • JR 2 0
    Message from John Raines on
    Thanks for corroborating. I'll try to get a message to the webmaster.
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on 2
    After a migration carried out by the web host, it was not possible to download a file from this website.
    This issue is now resolved.
  • ZI 190 0
    I am really glad to hear your voice (albeit virtual) and that you are healthy.

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