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Bug when editing description/etc, then saving

  • JI 9 0
    Message from jimbo1qaz on
    BUG: Let's say I open a soundfont and immediately change the description. I can't save, because Polyphone didn't register my changes to the undo history.
    - If I change sf2 name, Enter, Tab, or clicking another textbox will allow saving.
    - If I change description, only clicking another textbox will allow saving.
    - Saving should be allowed as soon as I type something.

    BUG: Let's say I first make a random edit (to enable saving), then edit the sf2 description and immediately press Ctrl-S (a common action). The changes were never committed as an undo step, and are lost when saving.
    - Polyphone should not lose user input.

    Less severe bug: If I edit a sample textbox or an instrument/preset table box, don't click out, and save (a very uncommon action), the changes are not applied. But at least they're not thrown away.

    Note: Text fields have a separate undo history, so Polyphone doesn't need to commit changes into undo history, until you unfocus the text box.

    Possible bug: If I've focused a text box, I can't undo global history. Maybe this is intentional.
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on
    The interface of Polyphone is made of several fields (text boxes, cells, ...) and the global undo / redo is updated every time a data changed in the soundfont. This change occurs during the validation of the field which is during the "unfocus" event as you described.

    Here is what could be implemented:
    • when we start editing a field (text box or a cell in a table) the save button is enabled,
    • when we use the save button, the focus is removed so that every changes are taken into account.

    Local undo / redo will however remain for the text boxes.

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