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[2.1] Auto looping no longer working properly.

  • Sy 70 0
    Message from Sylvia on

    I have been having an issue with the auto looping feature in 2.1. When I click on autoloop, autoloop finds a loop point, but when the loop is played, I get a clicking sound, like as if the loop was incorrectly set. The click is very loud when looping from the start to the end, however if I loop from a certain point to a certain point, I still get a noticeable clicking sound. By the way, autoloop works properly on Polyphone 2.0.1.


  • 409 0
    Message from Davy on

    Is it possible to send me a minimal soundfont containing the sample so that I can investigate? (c***@p***.***)

  • Message from Davy on
    Thank you I received it. It's maybe not a bug but some rules may not be clear:…e-tools#doc_autoloop

    If you specify an area with the start and end of loop, the autoloop tool will consider you defined an area already excluding the attack and the release. I think that when you tried to use the tool, the release has been included in the crossfade making the loop.

    Could you try to specify no loop and then reuse the tool?

    I could improve the tool so that nothing is surprising.
  • ZI 182 0
    I think the auto-loop feature works better in this version.
    It finds a pair off loop-points without disturbing Sample's wave characteristics, and that's fine.

    PS: I think: when this is done, it is better not to cut the last part of the sample.
    A note: If we need to use this sample for higher notes, a sample-player will need to use the parts that are left out in the last part. (8 data points is enough)
  • Sy 70 0
    Message from Sylvia on
    I tried with no loop as well, and still got the dreaded click, so that did not help. In 2.1.1, there should be an option to allow you to select the new method or the old method (2.0.1), and the new method should be fixed.

    Thank you for your effort to help me,


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