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MAC Polyphone_2.1.dmg cannot be opened

  • DA 3 0
    Message from david adams on
    see screenshot - no mountable file system

    os 10.12.6 (sierra)
  • 409 0
    Message from Davy on 1
    Thank you for the notice. It may be due to the APFS file but I'm not an expert with Mac.

    I'll reupload the software in a common zip archive rather than with a Mac OS tricky format.
  • Message from Davy on 1
    I just uploaded a .zip version of the program
  • VA 5 0
    Message from vasa on
    Hi I had same problem, now I have downloaded the .zip version
    after come the Polyphone icon but the App does not start
  • DA 3 0
    Message from david adams on
    Thanks, that works fine. BTW the app version number still shows 2.0.0 but internally the app knows it is 2.1.0.

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