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Soundfont creation

  • IM 2 0
    Message from Ian Menzies on
    Hi there,
    Recently joined the forum and been looking to use this programme to create a soundfont with some violin samples I have recorded and edited with loops. 44 samples in all. They sound great in Polyphone when the instrument and presets are set up and the necessary associations are made. However, when exported as a soundfont and loaded into a soundfont player, the sounds bear no resemblance to the originals - sounds a bit like standing on a cat's tail - and the final sound won't stop and continues to sound even on restart.
    A bit confused to be honest and was pleased to have got as far as I have.- hoped exporting to soundfont once set up would be seamless..........
    Please can someone help me overcome this problem.


  • Sy 70 0
    Message from Sylvia on
    Before I can help you, I will need to have an audio sample. Please upload it onto the forums or youtube.

    Here are some tips that might fix the issue:
    1. Try adding a release of 0.1 seconds to each sample in the instruments.
    2. Remake the soundfont. To do this, re-import all the samples. Use the auto loop function and release makers when remaking the soundfont.

  • IM 2 0
    Message from Ian Menzies on
    Many thanks for your response - I will have a look at your suggestions and report back. I really thought that I had cracked it as I have good sounding samples. I have so many other things to do it has made me feel like forgetting self creation and just depending on others work. Feels like a failure to me.



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