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key switch with Poyphone/af2

  • RE 3 0
    Message from reduciVV on
    With SoundFont in Sfz format it is possible to use key switching.
    I see no possibility with sf2 files, is it right? Or there are maybe other ways?
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on
    This is indeed not possible with the sf2 format and there is no way to introduce random signal to select one sample or another...
    If you absolutely need to use the sf2 format you would need to add an extra layer between the keyboard and the sound generator: a layer that processes midi signals and introduces a change in the preset number for instance.
  • AL 18 0
    Message from alawab on
    Davy on -
    This is indeed not possible with the sf2 format and there is no way to introduce random signal to select one sample or another...
    If you absolutely need to use the sf2 format you would need to add an extra layer between the keyboard and the sound generator: a layer that processes midi signals and introduces a change in the preset number for instance.
    Hi Davy,

    I know this is an old topic, but I really want to figure it out.

    How I suppose to do exactly to make midi cc able to change the bank preset number of SF2? I am really suffer from this articulation triggering problem

    And I really like this open source format and software, thank you a lot for doing this good job!
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on 1
    The soundfont format doesn't allow a program change based on a CC value. You will need to use either another format such as sfz with key switches or conditional starts, or if you want to stick with the sf2 format you will need an extra processing layer between the MIDI source and the sound engine that reads the soundfont.

    The only system I know is jOrgan that redirects / processes / filters MIDI signals before they arrive to their destination, which is Fluidsynth in this configuration (Fluidsynth is a sound engine using soundfonts). But jOrgan might not be the simplest solution since its purpose is to create an organ interface. Its learning curve is quite steep.

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