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drum kit sound font creation

Category: Help
  • ER 15 0
    Message from eric rollnick on
    I am pretty new to this but had good luck creating a pitched instrument sound font. I want to create a drumkit soundfont but it does not seem to work for all the samples I am using.. I am using the key numbers of GM percussion for my samples. The keyboard just plays back clicks or a loud noise, yet some notes seem to work. help would be appreciated. Attached is a pic of instrument - the italic line "sample root key" is also something I cannot find info on.
  • Sj 3 0
    Message from Sjoerdw on
    You have also to set the velocity range. When selecting this field and you press enter, the range is automatically set to 1-127. This is normally fine. Also you need to set the loop type. Choose for drum sounds the first one (after you select the field), meaning no loop.
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on
    In the highlighted column, the italic field "Sample root key" means that the natural rootkey of the targetted sample "sidestick_M1L" is "1", as configured at the sample level. This is informative only and can be overriden as you did, by 37. So when triggering key 37 you would thus hear the natural pitch of the sample.

    Nothing on the image can depict what your are listening to. Is it possible to share a minimal example with the issue?

    Could you please also make sure that you are using version 2.5.1 of Polyphone?
  • BO 292 13
    Message from bottrop on
    in the Global column set Scale Tuning to 0 (zero) and you will hear the natural pitch of the samples on every key you assign them to.

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