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Turn one control into another, like CC64 to CC67

Category: Help
  • FB 10 0
    I would like to know how to change a CC64 control (hold) to CC67 (soft), stop functioning as CC64 and function as CC67 and thus be able to apply the modulators to the release, when the pedal is pressed.
  • Why did the admin block this post, did I get it wrong with my bad English?
  • ZI 190 0
    As you can see, I can write an answer.
    The message at the bottom right is what you mean: You cannot write a message without login.
  • FB 10 0
    ziyametedemircan on -
    As you can see, I can write an answer.
    The message at the bottom right is what you mean: You cannot write a message without login.
    Thank you very much, ziyametedemircan.

    I would like to add a 3 second release when pressing the pedal (CC64) and 0.5 seconds when the pedal is released. that's easy. But you would have to cancel the pedal's holding effect, because while in holding it does not detect the release of the key.

    How do I do that?
    I just need that for the soundfont to be perfect.


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