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Anyone have the SF2s of these?

Category: Help
  • 6 0
    Message from Josh on
    Trying to acquire the SF2 files of Industrial Dance PC.sfpack & Retro Synth PC.sfpack
    As mentioned in prior posts, I still don't own a PC, so I cannot acquire these myself. Otherwise I wouldn't have to ask.

    Or better yet, does someone have an android port of the SFPack exe tool?

    Much appreciated if anyone has these soundfonts as .sf2 or an android ported version of the sfpack.exe tool that makes them.

    You can find these SFPACK files (and others) here:…-vsIe?usp=drive_open 

    Unfortunately, they are SFPacks, so basically unless until extracted.
  • Sy 70 0
    Message from Sylvia on
    Disclaimer: I do not encourage copyright infringement.

    Hello Josh,

    I can offer to unpack these sfpack files for you.

    They should be ready soon. I will attach them.
  • Message from Sylvia on 1
    Here you go:

    Industrial dance 
    Retro synth 

    Thank you for your request.


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