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how to make a sample sustain (bells)

Category: Help
  • KB 2 0
    Message from k bundies on
    Hello, I have started making a soundfont with samples of bells.
    When I play them on my MIDI keyboard, the sound is clipped, once I release the key.
    How can I implement right into the soundfont, that the samples always play until the end?
    This would be like keeping a sustian pedal down.
    Thank you for help.
  • Sy 70 0
    Message from Sylvia on 1

    On instrument settings, change vol env release (s) to 100.

  • KB 2 0
    Message from k bundies on 1
    thank you, it worked!
    In the Instrument section in the ‘Vol env release (s)’ row I input 100 into the ‘Global’ field, which then reverted to 99,964.
    Still gives me the desired reuslt

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