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Attenuate (volume) negative (reversed) 1.9

  • JM 4 0
    Message de JM_1234321 le
    (Can't find forum 'search field'.)

    Attenuate (volume) negative (reversed) 1.9

    ...To make [given target sound] louder go towards negative numbers. (!?)

    Is that a bad install on my end?

    Does the latest 2.x address this?

    Will the "fix" ruin all my previous edits (which went negative to make a sound louder)?
  • BO 292 14
    Message de bottrop le
    for the search field click the looking glass under the British flag (top right)
    negative volume settings only work at the Preset stage.
    regards bottrop
  • JM 4 0
    Message de JM_1234321 le
    I see the magnifying glass NOW.

    What do you mean by "preset stage?" Do you mean the "global" column?

    The 'global' column only is active if individual instrument columns are left blank. [And THAT is silly coding too, on top of vol being REVERSED. This progs batting a thousand.]

    If I set an *instrument column* at -1 the sound is softer than if I set it at -100.

    Does anyone else have an answer?
  • BO 292 14
    Message de bottrop le
    you are right; it does not work in Polyphone. i just checked it in Vienna(Creative) and there it works like it should, in the global column of the Preset indeed. so the only other option is increase the volume of the sample in a wave editor.
    succes, bottrop
    look at preset 007 in the attachment, i increased the volume in Vienna but Polyphone does not use it.

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