Thank you Davy for creating the Polyphone tool and thre practical hints for sf2 Sound creators!
I have used Polyphone for quite a while creating my own Rhodes, Wurly, B3 etc. samples esp. for use with the Dexibell Vivo piano which has sf2 playing capabilities with almost no CPU and polyphony limits.
I have created all the above instruments including Key release samples acc. to your
Custom release guidance, but I could not find any sf2 solution yet for the following problem: I would like to make the volume of the Key release sample dependant on the Key sustain length, i.e. use the loud Key release samples for very short notes and softer Key release samples (or the loud ones with some damping) for long sustained notes. This is to avoid annoying loud release samples after a long sustained note, e.g. when playing a ballad with a Rhodes sound.
I have not found any Modulation source like "Key sustain length" for the Volume envelope

ustain, so currently I can only use the Modulation wheel to dampen the Key release volume generally, but I have not found any trick to do this depending on the Key sustain length.
Do you have any suggestion or idea how this could be accomplished within the given sf2 standard?
Thanks you in advance for any hint!!