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Randomize Sample on single note

Catégorie : Aide
  • Ce 1 0
    Message de Celthyan le
    Hello there.

    I'd love to know if it is possible to play three different samples on one single note that could switch together each time you play the note. For example you have three samples for G called "G1, G2 and G3 and when you play one time, G1 plays, then a second time it is G2 that is played and then G3 and finally it comes back to G1...

    It could allow to make the sound quite different for example when the staccato strings play a repetitive note.

  • 70 0
    Message de Sylvia le
    Hello Celthyan,

    Welcome to the world of soundfonts!

    Unfortunately, the sf2 standard does not permit round robin or random sample switching.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • BC 1 0
    Message de Ben Collings le
    I'm considering a longwinded workaround for this. Place the different samples at narrow velocity bands. e.g. G1 velocity range 31-35, G2 velocity range 36-40, G3 velocity range 41-45 etc. The natural variation of velocities captured in a midi performance will trigger a variation of samples. Any thoughts?
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    yes that will work when you use the soundfont in a keyboard, but in a DAW you would have to assign different velocities to each note and Musescore for example uses Velocity (and Breath) to manage the Volume.
  • RM 1 0
    Message de Raid Marji le
    It is possible but needs a good programmer.
    Here is the proof:

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