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Search pages load to the bottom

Category: Website
  • A3 16 0
    Message from Audio2000 3536 on 1
    I noticed that the "Search" option functions a little strange.
    When you do a search the first result loads at the top of the page.
    However once you get down to the bottom of the page, if there are more than one pages available, when you click on the number for the next page, that page loads from the bottom.
    You then have to manually go to the top of the page with each page you go to when clicking on the page numbers at the bottom.
    They all load to the bottom of the next page instead of from the top.

    Hope this helps
  • 409 0
    Message from Davy on
    Thank you for the notice. I fixed it this way: after each click on a navigation button the page is scrolled to top.
  • A3 16 0
    Message from Audio2000 3536 on
    Glad to help, thank you for working on it.

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