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Stuck in "Operation in progress"

  • Po 3 0
    Message from Pondoro on
    I've used polyphone to convert sf2 to sfz in bulks for some time. But now I can't seem to do that anymore... :l
    I don't know why. I've been using the win64bit version, then tried the win32 bit version, but both give the same results. Stuck in "Operation in progress" for 20+ minutes and over.

    I would bulk 10-20 soundfonts and it seems the only way to get by is to do them one by one. I've reinstalled the program but no avail, same stuff happening.
  • Message from Pondoro on
    1.9 still doesn't respond but 1.8 and lower don't have the same issue so everything is alright.
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on
    I couldn't reproduce the problem (windows 10 64-bit). Which version of windows are you using?
  • Po 3 0
    Message from Pondoro on
    I'm using windows 10 home 64-bit. I'm not at all sure why 1.9 is acting up on me, I've been converting old video game sf2's to sfz (individual sf2 files) and suddenly it just won't take em' in bulks anymore.
  • PE 2 0
    Message from petervh on
    I have the same problem, under OSX High Sierra (2017MBP).
    Loading in mutliple sf2 files one by one works fine.
    If I select multiple sf2 files and drag them in, the program freezes with the "operation in progress" message.
  • Message from petervh on
    Just did some tests with v1.8. In that case, if I drag and drop in multiple .sf2 files the software crashes. . .but if I follow through the "open file" icon in the Polyphone menu bar, and select multiple .sf2 files, they load fine. I went back to 1.9 to test loading multiple .sf2 files from the "open file" menu bar dialog, but it gave me the same "operation in progress" freeze error.

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