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Toolbox tools for Bidi Loops, Sample Editing, etc.

Category: Feature requests
  • 37 9
    Message from tahutoa on
    Basically, a toolbox option for samples that creates an exact copy of the current loop region, reverses it, then pastes it at the end, with the option to make the Bidi version its own sample. The prompt that comes up would say "Create Bidi loop of current loop region (2480 to 7791)?"
    Another means of implementing would be "Create Bidi loop from: [2480] to [7791]" where there are nodes that autofill with the current loop region data. With this version of the feature, one could fine-tune where the reversed version of the loop starts and ends. Basically a "clone region" tool, come to think of it.
    Its name in the tree could be "Create bi-directional loop" or something like that.

    Speaking of loop generation, a checkbox option to auto-loop using only sample points that already exist, rather than artificially lengthening the sample. If the red and green triangles can exist, the algorithm must know where the best loop points could go, even with the sample as it is.
    It could choose a loop that's as long as possible where the regions to the immediate left and right of both start & end points are most similar.

    The Alt+Drag tool is useful for cutting bits out, however it's not very precise. Trial and error is often involved when I don't already know the shape, just the numbers for what to delete. It'd be nice if the next iteration worked on a snap-to system based on sample rate, like the loop regions do currently.

    Another feature that would be welcome is something akin to Audacity's "Remove DC Offset" tool for old samples with an obviously crushed sound. If that exists already, then making it more noticeable would be fab.

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