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Any reason an account is required to download free files?

Catégorie : Site web
  • Si 3 0
    Message de Sitame2450 le
    I might be dumb or something.

    I think this is my second throwaway account (I don't actually remember if I've used this specific site or if there was a similar website that does the same thing).

    Does this site harvest data (it apparently doesn't I checked the privacy policy but y'know I'm skeptical), or send spam mail, or something? There's gotta be a reason why the website is requiring users to make an account just to download files (that are advertised to be free). Or at least I couldn't find a way to download the file I was trying to get without an account. FYI I don't put my email address on a website just to download user-uploaded files it is offering.
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    this site is safe, respects your privacy and doesnot spam.
    very good to stay skeptical, especially at sites that let everybody in and out without any control (or do you think they send you that free file without knowing your address?).
    regards bottrop
  • Si 3 0
    Message de Sitame2450 le
    > this site is safe, respects your privacy and doesnot spam. 
    Sure. Still, I haven't ever interacted with it.
    > very good to stay skeptical, especially at sites that let everybody in and out without any control
    > (or do you think they send you that free file without knowing your address?). 
    I don't know what that means. Generally, I'd want to access resources advertised as free without having the website know my email address.
    My question is "why does this website ask me to login (when I'm not actually planning to post anything on it)?"
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    The main reason is to encourage people to interact, like you are doing
    But also for a better control of what's happening on the website, generally speaking.
    For example soon or later I'll possibly clean the repository and I need different parameters such as the rating score, reliable statistics on the uploads, etc.

    In any case this is for selling an email list. You can start worrying when you see an advertising here.
  • BO 1 0
    Message de Be OK-System le
    Wonder if this person has a smart phone,if so that keep a staggering amount of data you can not remove,and send it to many recipients at your data cost !
    I use polyphone for years now,and the forum and Davy have a answer on most questions.He update and make versions for many systems i now going to try the raspberrypi version. Chapeau for Davy.
  • Si 3 0
    Message de Sitame2450 le
    > The main reason is to encourage people to interact, like you are doing
    I mean, I guess. But all I wanted to do is download soundfonts. The most interaction I've done here (or will do, most likely) is complain about the requirement to sign up, not sure if this is really what you're looking for?
    If I actually wanted to interact and use the forums and discuss about Polyphone (which I haven't actually touched...), I would've made an actual account instead of this throwaway account whose sole purpose is to complain about its existence.
    But, if you REALLY want more interactions, I can continue complaining about needing to sign up later on in case I ever lose this account and need to download a soundfont again, sure.

    > But also for a better control of what's happening on the website, generally speaking.
    If you're looking to get more accurate statistics, I personally think not sacrificing user experience should be a slightly better priority.

    > In any case this is for selling an email list. You can start worrying when you see an advertising here.
    I'm not sure I understand? Is this an affirmation?

    Anyhow, I'm just telling y'all that requiring to sign up with your email address to access a file that's advertised as a free download is just kinda suspicious from an outsider's point of view.

    > Wonder if this person has a smart phone,if so that keep a staggering amount of data you can not remove,and send it to many recipients at your data cost !
    The massive ad technology company (that just so happen to own the biggest market share in mobile operating systems) is profiting from their user's submitted data? Huh. Yeah no I knew that, thank you for the inquiry. May I share you this slightly relevant page?:

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