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Override global parameter to AUTO

  • BA 38 0
    Message de batata004 le

    I have an Instrument with hundreds of sample inside in which the parameter "Fixed velocity" is set to 127 in "Global". However, in just one single sample of this instrument I dont want to have fixed velocity (I want it to be variable, as the default). I cant find a way to make that single sample reset the "Fixed velocity", I cant type "false", "auto" or "-". I know in this case I could avoid using "Global" and set the fixed velocity value to each sample but I think there might be an easier way, right?
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    if an individual Velocity setting does not override a Global Fixed Velocty, i would place that sample in a separate Instrument and add that to the Preset.
    regards bottrop
  • BA 38 0
    Message de batata004 le
    bottrop, le -
    if an individual Velocity setting does not override a Global Fixed Velocty, i would place that sample in a separate Instrument and add that to the Preset.
    regards bottrop
    The problem I have, is that I need to override the Global setting with the default value! Overriding Global setting always worked, I just need to set a value in the column that I want. The problem is that I cant find a way to override the Global with the default value (like if nothing was set in the global).
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    like i said; place the sample in a separate Instrument an place that Instrument in the Preset. a new Instrument follows its own settings.
  • ZI 190 0
    "Substitution Generators are generators which substitute a value for a note-on parameter. Two Substitution Generators are currently defined, overridingKeyNumber and overridingVelocity."

    SoundFont 2.01 Technical Specification - Page 30

    As in the above quote: Only these two are currently substitute (overriding) generators. Either you define them separately for each column and leave the column you don't want to apply empty, or if you define them in the Global-zone, the override switch will be activated for all of them (So you can't reset it, but you can only assign another value.).  

    A ‘generator’ sets or offsets the value of a destination or a synthesis parameter. In exception cases, it sets ranges (Range Generators), or sets values and never offsets values. (Index Generators, Sample Generators, and Substitution Generators).

    SoundFont 2.01 Technical Specification - Page 50

    So (as I understand it) we cannot reset this value.

    To overcome this, as bottrop mentioned, you define a separate instrument for that column and combine it with the other(s) in the preset section.
  • BA 38 0
    Message de batata004 le
    Thank you so much! I really appreciate your kindness. 

    As a final note, it would be nice if the user could override a value to the default in a row which has Global already setted. Maybe the user could type "default" or "-1" or "reset". It's a feature request, it would be awesome if it could be implemented in the future!

    Your suggestions of creating a new preset/instrument worked perfectly but if the featured requested above was implemented, it wouldnt be necessary to create a new preset/instrument just to override a parameter to the default value.

    Thank you!
  • ZI 190 0
    I think it is not hard to define this and make it work in the soundfont editor itself. A programmer can easily make this feature for his own software of course.

    The real problem is to make it work that way in all existing soundfont players (software and/or hardware). Because it is hard to dictate to other companies/manufacturers/organizations and coders to do something against the specification or to make them accept this suggestion.
  • BA 38 0
    Message de batata004 le
    @ziyametedemircan now I understood the problem, indeed it's gonna be hard to make other softwares respect this configuration. Thank you for your explanation!

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