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Can't save soundfont

Catégorie : Aide
  • To 2 0
    So, i made a soundfont. the sounds work just fine, but when i put them together in a preset, they're not inside of it, and if i try to save the whole soundfont (with apparently empty presets) it says "impossible to find file". but then again, the sounds work fine if i listen to them in the "Campioni" tab.
  • BO 292 13
    Message de bottrop le
    the picture shows Samples only. you should map the Samples in an Instrument, then assign the Instrument to a Preset. (as the bottomline of your picture says; this sample is not assigned to any Instrument)
    click the Instrument sign and give it a name, select the samples and Bind to your Instrument. map them. then click the Preset sign etcetera
    regards bottrop
  • To 2 0
    bottrop, le -
    the picture shows Samples only. you should map the Samples in an Instrument, then assign the Instrument to a Preset. (as the bottomline of your picture says; this sample is not assigned to any Instrument)
    click the Instrument sign and give it a name, select the samples and Bind to your Instrument. map them. then click the Preset sign etcetera
    regards bottrop
    Ok, i did everything. I put the Samples in an Instrument, then Made all presets, but when i save, this happens. If i open this .sf2 file that it made (the one it says it can't delete), all the sounds are mute.

  • BO 292 13
    Message de bottrop le
    make sure your soundfont looks like this

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