
roland boutique TR-09 (digital clon of roland)

-6 hi-hat open

-6 crash cymbal

-6 rim cymbal

-4 open->close high hat combinations

-4 close->open high hat combinations

Sample Listing Notation


The 909 affords nearly an infinite number of instrument settings. In

order to make the "infinite" possible, I used a standard system for

recording each instrument's possible settings. Each instrument setting

knob on the 909 has 10 decants. I chose to use the 0, 3, 7 and 10

settings on each knob to create most instrument variations. The sample

listings use the letter "a" to represent 10 (think of 'a' as meaning

'a'll the way). The high hat and cymbal samples use settings of 0, 2, 4,

6, 8, and 10 for the variations.

So, for example, when I recorded the bass drum I used the four chosen

decants on three knob settings to create 24 bass drum variations.

For the bass drum and snare drum I eliminated a few settings to reduce

"sonic redundancy". In the case of the bass drum I only used the

0 and 10 ('a') settings on the attack. For the snare drum I did not

vary the tone control while the 'snappy' setting was at 0.


Sample Identification


Instrument (first letter) Settings (in order) Directory

b bass drum t=tune, a=attack, d=decay \bassdm

s snare drum t=tune, t=tone, s=snappy \snaredm

l low tom t=tune, d=decay \lowtomdm

m mid tom t=tune, d=decay \midtomdm

h high tom t=tune, d=decay \hitomdm

rim rimshot #=velocity level \rimshot

hand handclap #=velocity level \handclap

hhc closed high hat d=decay \closedhh

hho open high hat d=decay \openhh

csh crash cymbal t=tune \crshcym

ride ride cymbal t=tune \ridecym

clop closed->open hh #=combination number \misc

opcl open->closed hh #=combination number \misc


Partagé par daddy jeff
Date de mise à jour
Licence domaine public
Origine des échantillons


TR 909 infinito.sf2 (, 4.63 Mo)

original sounds 16 bit 44100 khz´s 4,40 megabytes in hard disk.


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