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Soundfont export comes out corrupted

  • SO 9 0
    Message de someone45357 le
    I have a 82 sample soundfont that sounds completely fine when its in the polyphone piano roll, but as soon as i export it the soundfont itself acts in various different ways. Ive tried it in 3 different soundfont readers, in Fl studio 20 it barely works with sometimes notes playing and sometimes not, in StrummerFX no sound is heard at all except in some different exports where only 3 notes will work, in Soundfont pro instead of playing any of the notes that I had it configured it starts in the middle of the 5th octave and plays all the notes very distorted and high pitch. I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do to not make the soundfont im exporting be so broken.
  • CS 73 0
    Message de csw900 le
    Why are you exporting your sound font? Just save it in .sf2 format and your problems should go away!! This format will work in all reputable midi players.

  • SO 9 0
    Message de someone45357 le
    The thing is when I save the soundfont with the save option none of my midi players will read it and thats why I was pushed to go and do it through exporting the soundfont itself since i thought that was the way to do it
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    can you post the soundfont eventually containing only two or three samples so we can have a look at it?
  • SO 9 0
    Message de someone45357 le
    Well how would that help if you dont mind my ignorance? I tried to post the soundfont itself beforehand but its a 30.4 mb upload and so I cant post it just here on the site itself. Is posting outer links to soundfonts allowed? Like if I uploaded the soundfont on mediafire then put the link to it here or something
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    sure you can. it has been done before and i am not afraid of a little media fire
  • CS 73 0
    Message de csw900 le
    I have never heard of any of your midi players so I suggest you test your sound font with a popular midi player which is known to work properly with other recognised .sf2 sound fonts. (possibly Drumstick, or the midi file player which comes with your operating system)

  • SO 9 0
    Message de someone45357 le
    Ok heres the link then

    Also yeah about my midi players theyre auv3 apps on ipad, I’m not sure if that makes a big difference maybe that could be the reason but then again I also tried the soundfont on FL studio 20 and it didnt really come out great either
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    try this…yFN/view?usp=sharing 

    i edited the Velocity settings and Loop settings in the Instrument (i see no loop settings in the samples)
  • SO 9 0
    Message de someone45357 le
    So I was trying the edited soundfont in my auv3 ipad apps. It works perfectly in StrummerFX but for some reason in Soundfont Pro it plays the notes super distorted and the wrong pitches. That may be an issue on the latter’s part but the fact that it works somewhere is good enough for me.

    How does one add loop and velocity settings/the correct settings to these to the soundfonts when making them? It’d be really nice so I don’t make the same mistake again, when I was making the soundfont I was sure I put something at least when it came to velocity and in later iterations even after tweaking it it wasnt doing anything so I probably didnt do it right then.
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    you dont need loop settings for one shot samples like charang and you only set velocity ranges when you have seperate samples for articulatoins or dynamics.

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