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certain notes will not play samples

  • ER 16 0
    I created an instrument using wave samples. For some reason notes 76 -80 (E5 -G#5) will not play the samples I assigned. they do play notes but not my samples All other notes work fine. After using the created SF2 file and noticing this I reopened the instrument in Polyphone and noticed that that group of notes was missing as if I never entered the samples. What might be the problem and is there a way to renter them? Thanks.
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    well, if the samples are not in the Samples folder, you will have to import them once more (rightclick on the folder>> New Samples) and inside the Samples folder select the samples and Bind to... your instrument.
    regards bottrop
  • ER 16 0
    Thanks for the direction however I am new to this and can't seem to find a "folder". I right clicked on the soundfont name under instrument and presets and just get a typical windows menu. How do I locate the folder and "new samples" menu item. Thank you for the help.
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    well, i am still in version 1.9 because the newer layout is a disaster for my eyes plus all that rubbish like daily soundfont and history dont make it easier to find my way, but i guess when you select your soundfond you should see three folders; Samples, Instruments and Presets, maybe tabs, for tabs is the fashion, selecting these folders should show what is inside, if any.
    if you attach a .sf2 with your preset ,instrument and one or two samples i will have look.
    regards bottrop

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