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Spread samples over entire key range?

  • HB 1 0
    I'm wondering if there's a way to spread samples over the entire key range. I've got chromatic samples so each sample should have just one key, for example 60, the next one 61 and so on. I tried the Sample auto-positioning feature but it set all of the samples to 0-127 instead so it didn't really help.
  • CS 73 0
    Message de csw900 le
    What you are trying to do is the normal way to make a good sound font. I suggest you read up a bit and look at some other sound fonts to find out how it should be done. Have a look at the "SmoothPiano.sf2" sound font recently available via this forum it needs a few finishing touches but does what you are trying to do..

    Just because polyphone suggests as a default that one sample should spread over midi 0 to 127 does not mean you have to leave it that way. If for example you have a sample of middle C then you should tell the instrument that this "key range" is midi 60.

    Hope this helps.
  • BO 292 14
    Message de bottrop le
    1 start a new soundfont with a new Instrument and a new Preset
    2 import your samples in the Samples folder
    3 select all, rightclick. Bind to.. new Instrument
    4 in the Instrument view assign the right rootkey to each sample
    5 Tools, Instrument, Automatic distribution
    6 regards bottrop

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