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Outdated Polyphone Tutorial Documentation

  • AK 7 0
    This comes under "Something is unclear".

    Since Polyphone has updated 2-3 years ago, a lot has been changed, especially the design.
    The documentation tutorial is still somehow, stuck on version 1.9 as I believe.
    I have seen a administrator stating that he will update the documentation tutorial, but it's been years and he still hasn't.
    Since I do not know alot of Polyphone, and the Youtube videos are old, I'd love to see the tutorial documentation to be updated.
  • BO 292 14
    Message de bottrop le
    you can also install 1.9. i still use 1.9. there are a few bugs but if you dont use Bulk Rename then it works fine. (and it looks better too)
    regards bottrop
  • AK 7 0
    In my opinion, I'd rather stay up-to-date instead of using the old version, but I still respect your answer.

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