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The autoloop function

  • 7 1
    Message de Jörrich le
    I have a question about the autoloop feature.
    Whenever I use this feature the sample is automatically trimmed to the end of the loop.

    First I put the EndLoop-Marker somewhere in a stable region of the sample.

    Then I use the autoloop.

    Then the same is cut at the endloop-marker.

    Is it possible to keep the sample-tail after finding loop points with the autoloop function?

    Thanks for your help.
    Kind Regards Jörrich
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    The current loop function modify the sample by copying a portion of it with a cross-fade, so that the end of the loop matches exactly with the start of the loop. After the operation is done, the region after the end of the loop doesn't match anymore with the region before the end of the loop. This is thus not possible to keep the release.

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