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  • JM 4 0
    Message de JM_1234321 le

    Why change the user interface after 1.9?

    The prog 2,0+ is now inferior to what it was.

    The only discernible feature change was the visual chart of mod etc curves.

    That certainly isn't worth the other changes. Changes such as undockable keyboard; inability to open multiple sound fonts (and thus inability to drag and drop from SF to SF); information randomly inverted from top of page to bottom of page FOR NO REASON. Those are deal breakers.

    What is the tech-nerd penchant for "the endless useless shifting of the technology"?

    What the prog needed was more editing of sample in prog; more tone tweaks (mod and LFOs etc) -- and more easily understood at that; and some other changes I forget. (The new solo ability is ok.)

    If your "ART PROJECT," davey, demands changes to UI, why not give option for 'classic interface"? And re-add keyboard docking and multi sf per pane.
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    If your gnarl equals your programming skills, I would love to have you in the team, replacing my silly coding!

    • undockable keyboard => I planned to add MIDI controllers with the keyboard and due to the heavier interface, it will remain so
    • inability to open multiple sound fonts (and thus inability to drag and drop from SF to SF) => it's of course possible to open several tabs and use CTRL+C / CTRL+V between tabs
    • information randomly inverted from top of page to bottom of page FOR NO REASON => please write the steps to reproduce the bug
    • What the prog needed was more editing of sample in prog => Polyphone is not a sample editor but if you think of a useful function please tell me
    • more tone tweaks (mod and LFOs etc) => we are limited by the soundfont format, for now it's not possible to do more.
  • JM 4 0
    Message de JM_1234321 le
    >I planned to add MIDI controllers with the keyboard and due to the heavier interface, it will remain so

    How is one supposed to compare his diff presets w/o ext keyboard? And how does he know what velocity he struck on the external. This new key pane needs to remain open at least and be drag-able to someplace out of the way (I [put open panes way up on the WIN program strip).

    > it's of course possible to open several tabs and use CTRL+C / CTRL+V between tabs.

    "Drag and drop." I believe the new way demands user make an empty preset, number its bank and preset and then paste into it. That means I can't just drop a whole stack of presets made and numbered in another sound-font.

    >information randomly inverted from top of page to bottom of page FOR NO REASON => please write the steps to reproduce the bug

    I didn't mean the words are now upside down. I.e not a bug. The information is now simply at the bottom strip of prog. The new prog 2.1 is blocky and cartoonish in general. I see that that is the trend of the industry now but I still don't prefer this trend.

    >What the prog needed was more editing of sample in prog => Polyphone is not a sample editor but if you think of a useful function please tell me


    > useful function...

    ...Some samples have unnatural bloom in them (e.g sonatina strings).

    Add sample-edit ability to HIGHLIGHT just a section of a sample (e.g between 2nd second and 3rd of 4-sec sample) and increase or decrease its volume.

    >more tone tweaks (mod and LFOs etc) => we are limited by the soundfont format, for now it's not possible to do more.

    Really just meant EQ shaping of instrument and/or preset. That LFO etc is hard to discern. AND much of that stuff has no effect in prog (.ove 4). It seems after one column is set in Pf others are ignored; as said hard to discern rulez.

    Really just meant EQ shaping of instrument and/or preset; And easy to figure out. I understand there are limits to what is doable, so this may be dead end request.

    Anyway, thanks for the prog.

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