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No Debian release for current stable (Buster)

  • 2 0
    Message de J. Reis le
    Just wanted to mention that the current Polyphone 2.0 release targeting Debian is for Stretch, which as of 6 July 2019 is no longer the current stable release. The current deb won't install for Debian Stable—failing with:Dependency is not satisfiable: libqcustomplot1.3libqcustomplot2.0 is included in Debian stable so hopefully this is a very simple adjustment.

    Seems to compile from source just fine.

    Thanks for the very handy software,

    Justin R.
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    Hello thank you for the notice. It's been fixed in the sources on GitHub and I'm working on the new version. The release date will depend on the time I have for this!

  • 2 0
    Message de J. Reis le
    Thanks Davy, that's fantastic. I hope I didn't give the impression of complaining at all. I certainly don't expect any developer to keep on top of a given distro's upgrade schedule. Just didn't want anyone to miss out on Polyphone.

    Great avatar btw.


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