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POLYPHONE: Use Offline?

  • VK 2 0
    Hello, this is my first time in here.
    I've just found Polyphone and downloaded it to my iMac.

    Is it possible to use it offline, as I don't want to be connected to the internet every time I use it.
    I've not used a Soundfont editor before, and am wanting to make some 'patches' from Waves I recorded on tracks in a song in Pro Tools, which I will then transfer to my Korg Kronos keyboard to use for playing live.

    Any and all help gratefully appreciated by this newbie.
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le 1
    if you INSTALLED Polyphone on your computer, it should RUN on your computer. (dont know if you can call a MAC a computer)
  • 70 0
    Message de Sylvia le 1
    Polyphone doesn't need to connect to the internet, so it can be used offline.
  • VK 2 0
    Thanks for the info peoples. I'll experiment and get back here with results in a while. Cheers...

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