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Bulk Creation/Bind-To-Many-New-Instruments tool?

  • 37 9
    Message de tahutoa le
    I've ripped some samples from a PS1 game. Problem is, there are 301 of them. Is there anyway to automatically give a bunch of samples their own unique instruments (i.e. 100 samples will net you 100 unique bound instruments)? Even better if the same tool applies for presets.

    Like, I seriously do not want to click "New Instrument" then "Bind Sample To" 301 times (and then have to do the same thing for presets)
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    create a new instrument,
    in the Samples-folder; select your 301 samples (? there are only 127 keys available for your 301 samples),
    rightclick and choose Bind To, and assign the bulk to your new instrument,
    add Rootkey for each sample
    Tools, Instrument, Automatic Distribution
    regards bottrop
  • 37 9
    Message de tahutoa le
    That is good info to know for later (I can use this for SFX or something), but that wasn't what I meant.
    I meant like, "create a new instrument," but, like, as in, a way to create 301 new instruments, each with a unique sample, at one time.
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le 1
    301 instruments with only 1 sample? what are you going to play with that orchestra?
    but it would be easy in Creative Vienna; just start a new bank there and draw sample by sample into the bank and Vienna creates an Instrument and Preset around each sample.
    (to run Creative Vienna you need to own a SoundBlasterCard)
  • 37 9
    Message de tahutoa le
    Thank you for the info (I'll need to see if I have anything "sound blaster" related on my computer), that's most helpful

    Oh, and, uh, they're rips from the "SuperSponge" PS1 game. I already know for a fact that 116 of those samples are sound effects, and I think there are about 20/30 others that're repeats of previous samples, usually drums or instruments that are used more than once in the game (I think that's because individual sets of the files would be loaded level-by-level rather than repeatedly drawing from the same regular soundfont.)

    Hrrmmm. I'll have to look into this "Vienna."
  • Message de tahutoa le
    bottrop, le -
    301 instruments with only 1 sample? what are you going to play with that orchestra?
    but it would be easy in Creative Vienna; just start a new bank there and draw sample by sample into the bank and Vienna creates an Instrument and Preset around each sample.
    (to run Creative Vienna you need to own a SoundBlasterCard)
    Wait, what? No, no, no, 301 samples, 301 instruments. 1 sample getting its own instrument. Unless I'm misunderstanding you, in which case, ignore this.
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    i still cant see why each sample should have its own instrument. you can assign 127 samples to one instrument and just play the corresponding key of the particular sounds to hear them.
  • 37 9
    Message de tahutoa le
    Well, each sample is of a completely different instrument, and the intention is to use each of them for MIDIs, so each one needs to be able to play multiple, different notes. I use FL Studio, and I don't really know what technique you're referring to, unless you're talking about using the pitch-bend wheel.
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    could you post an example soundfont of one of those samples? my ears understand things much better than my brains.
  • 37 9
    Message de tahutoa le
    I think this should work. It's got all the different sounds.

    Edit: 50 sounds. all 301 made the file too big.
  • Message de tahutoa le
    The sheer diversity (and previously referenced high amount) of these sounds should make it a bit more obvious as to why a bulk creation tool would be so useful
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    so is this what you want to do?
  • 37 9
    Message de tahutoa le
  • Message de tahutoa le
    Uh, which program is that exactly? It says Vienna Master. Is that the name?
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    that is Vienna, from Creative Labs, but as far as i know you can only install it whem you own a Soundblaster card.
  • 37 9
    Message de tahutoa le
    Well, since the name 'soundblaster' sounds familiar, I can only hope that my PC has one.
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le 1
    i dont think PCs come with a Soundblaster card included. you can download the Vienna for free at Creative, but as i said; i dont think installing is possible without one of their cards.

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