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  • DA 2 0
    Message de daniel le
    Hello and sorry for my english! I'm from Russia.

    I make a custom electronic drum set, and now, make a software for it. I want to use a lot of soundfonts in my drum set. And I have a lot of soundfonts for drums. Some of them, have correct channel for drums ( 9 ), but some of them, not ( 0 or another ).

    How can I edit this "wrong" ones with polyphone?
  • ZI 182 0
    Soundfonts doesn't use any channel information.
    GM1 and GS Drums uses a special bank number: 128. (128: 000 to 128: 127.)
    You only need to change the bank numbers.

    Not related to Polyphone: Be sure that the drum midi channel is set to 10 in the midi file (or in the software you are using). (Ch:10=Drum channel) (important: Channel, not Track!)
  • DA 2 0
    Message de daniel le
    ziyametedemircan, Maybe I don't understand your post well. But I open one of the "wrong" soundfonts, find the "bank" options, and change it to 128 (from zero). And now, this font works well. I change "bank" option in another fonts, and it works.

    Thank you!

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