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Audio Recording in Soundfont

Catégorie : Aide
  • So 1 0
    Message de Sousaphone le
    I am trying to create a soundfont with a specific recording in it in the 'samples' section. There is one instrument and one preset.

    The problem is, that when I try to insert it into Musescore, it refuses to play any sound, while I have followed the correct installation steps (It is thus a problem with the soundfont). In addition, I can't set a proper key range, as it registers all notes as working in Musescore.

    Is there anything wrong with how I have made this soundfont?
  • BO 292 14
    Message de bottrop le
    does the sample have correct specifications?
    did you bind the sample to the Instrument and the Instrument to the Preset?
    insert the root key (default is 60)
    then you can set the Key Range when you select the Instrument (top row)
    Volume to attack 0.003 sec
    Volume to release 1 second
    then it should play
    regards bottrop

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