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Sustain pedal working in fade out like a keyboard

Catégorie : Aide
  • FB 10 0
    On the keyboard, when I use organ tone, I press the key and the sound plays in a loop; When I release the key, the loop stops.

    If I do the same thing with the sustain pedal pressed, there will be a fade out when I release the key.

    How do you make soundfont behave the same way?
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    Is it possible to try with version 2.1 beta?
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    increase the value of Release to Volume of the Instrument to 3 or 3++ seconds.
    for a real fade out you will have to add samples containing that fade out and trigger them with the Loopsign with the red tail.
    regards bottrop
  • FB 10 0
    Is it possible to try with version 2.1 beta?

    Yes. I tried but it doesn't work or I don't know how to do it.
  • increase the value of Release to Volume of the Instrument to 3 or 3++ seconds.
    for a real fade out you will have to add samples containing that fade out and trigger them with the Loopsign with the red tail.
    regards bottrop

    It seems that when I press the pedal, the note-off signal is not recognized, so the fade out does not happen. Continues the infinite loop.
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    i dont know if the Pedal of a musical keyboard can trigger a soundfont.
    if you want to play stopped notes AND fade out notes i guess you will have to use different Presets

    try this FadeOut.sf2;…1-4G6TUtUZGlJQlcyakk 
  • ZI 190 0
    EDIT: @fernando:

    Yes. That is the purpose and definition of that pedal.

    You use the sustain/hold pedal if you want the note to hold when you release your finger from the key.

    Note offs are ignored until you lift your foot off the pedal.

    All MIDI players follows this rule.

    If you didn't want the notes to hold, what effect do you want to achieve by pressing the sustain/hold pedal?
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    i know what a pedal is for, and i know a pedal triggers the DAW, but i would not know how to let the pedal trigger a soundfont.
    regards bottrop
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    You would need an intermediate software that filters MIDI signals and triggers something else instead. I think jOrgan can do that but there is a lot to learn in it and it's been primarily designed for building virtual organ consoles. 

    With a short search I also found this: 
  • ZI 190 0
    @bottrop: /
    I asked this question to the person who opened the issue.
    I'm sorry if it sounds like I answered you.


    What the pedal triggers is a built-in MIDI function: "suspend all 'sound-off' orders until a 'hold-off' message is ordered. And when get the 'hold-off' message, send to 'note-off' messages to all suspended/sustained keys, except those already pressed (the keys that not send a "note-off" message yet)."
  • BO 293 14
    Message de bottrop le
    thats OK Ziya, my tekst may sound a little offended, but i'm not, i know you are a helpfull man.
    regards bottrop
  • FB 10 0
    ziyametedemircan, le -
    @bottrop: /
    I asked this question to the person who opened the issue.
    I'm sorry if it sounds like I answered you.


    What the pedal triggers is a built-in MIDI function: "suspend all 'sound-off' orders until a 'hold-off' message is ordered. And when get the 'hold-off' message, send to 'note-off' messages to all suspended/sustained keys, except those already pressed (the keys that not send a "note-off" message yet)."
    That's right. But I have a Yamaha PSR-S650 keyboard that in some organ sounds they fade out, so they detect the notes off. Maybe you can turn one control into another, like CC64 to CC67 or disable.

    It would be wonderful to do this that I think is simple compared to everything sondfont already does.
  • 15 0
    Message de siebenhirter le
    Fernando Bandeira, le -
    That's right. But I have a Yamaha PSR-S650 keyboard that in some organ sounds they fade out, so they detect the notes off. Maybe you can turn one control into another, like CC64 to CC67 or disable.

    It would be wonderful to do this that I think is simple compared to everything sondfont already does.
    Triggering notes and pedal function in PSR650 is the same as in each other keyboard. There is no separate recognition of note-off.

    PSR-S650 use some organ sounds envelope with high value of Delay and with value zero of Sustain - but PSR650 also works with pedal in same manner as described from ziyametedemircan.

    Some keyboards use oscillator trigger modes that sets a delay time from the note-on to the real beginning of the sound, so with KeyOff the sound begin when note-off occurs (eg useful to create sounds such as the “click” that is heard when a harpsichord note is released).
  • FB 10 0
    siebenhirter, le -
    Triggering notes and pedal function in PSR650 is the same as in each other keyboard. There is no separate recognition of note-off.

    PSR-S650 use some organ sounds envelope with high value of Delay and with value zero of Sustain - but PSR650 also works with pedal in same manner as described from ziyametedemircan.

    Some keyboards use oscillator trigger modes that sets a delay time from the note-on to the real beginning of the sound, so with KeyOff the sound begin when note-off occurs (eg useful to create sounds such as the “click” that is heard when a harpsichord note is released).
    So, Is Note-off and KeyOff differents? How to interact it with the sustain pedal to fade out?
  • 15 0
    Message de siebenhirter le
    Fernando Bandeira, le -
    So, Is Note-off and KeyOff differents? How to interact it with the sustain pedal to fade out?
    Note-off (=Key-off) message do not interact with CC#64, because Midi-messages are sent independently, but by default they both affect the envelopes (ADSR ) of sounds as mentioned from ziyametedemircan.

    Attack-Phase starts with Note-On, Release-Phase begins with Note-Off and Sustain-On is configured by default for pressing the pedal will hold the sound on the actual level until sustain-off.

    Always keep in mind Attack, Decay and Release are parameters of time, whereas Sustain is a level.
    If an organ sound is featured with low value of decay time and high values sustain-level and release time, each note of such a sound will fade out in release-phase after note-off. That may happend in release-phase even if sustain-on has been pressed meanwhile, but this does not mean notes in release-phase will recognize additional note-off even though sustain-on was pressed, but will fade-out because of its high parameter of release-time.

    Believe in ziyametedemircan ---> What the pedal triggers is a built-in MIDI function: "suspend all 'sound-off' orders until a 'hold-off' message is ordered. And when get the 'hold-off' message, send to 'note-off' messages to all suspended/sustained keys, except those already pressed (the keys that not send a "note-off" message yet)."

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